
Find Daily Farm Workers Online

We integrate with various job portals, other collaborative websites and apps to find professional and skilled jobs in the market. However nowhere we find the jobs or work listed for agriculture farming. In this regard, Agromom comes forward in to farm works or jobs available. This also acts as a bridge between the farm workers and farmers. Not limiting to only farming jobs but also showcase the jobs and work available for masons or mesthri or daily construction workers, electricians, plumbers and other categories. You can find work just sitting at home through this app.

All the workers have to register through the Agromom app with all the details necessary to get hired. All the farmers and people who want to hire them can contact them directly according to the location or do a location-based search with your requirement to hire.

This solution would help both the employers and workers without any intervention of broker or consultant by providing work which also reduces your time, money and also efforts.