
Farm and agriculture goods and tools for Lease or rent

You can find any tools and goods that help in farming and agriculture are available on a rent or lease basis according to your location. Not every farmer can afford all tools just for few months of farming.

This module also acts as a bridge between the farmer and the tools or goods provider. You can search for any things that help in farming and agriculture with your location and find them on time when required. This reduces your farming costs, ultimately helps both the farmer and the provider.

Agromom brings you a lot of features at your fingertips to help and encourage farming and farmers. We just want to make “farmer is king” into reality and farming into the profitable profession to take on.

Farming and Agricultural Machinery on Rent

Lots of machinery tools are needed in farming and agriculture like tractors. tillers, ploughing machines and many more in use. Whereas, during the peak season, it’s a tough and challenging for many to find required machinery on time. To facilitate the machinery tools, we have a module that helps to get these machineries on rent as per your requirement.

This will benefit both the farmers and the machinery owners to list on the Agromom app. It will be beneficial for the machinery owners in terms of money and time. To make it a step ahead, we also included the other sector machinery to rent such as Construction Machineries and other machinery according to the location.

Transportation Services

Agromom apps helps farmers to transport their crops whenever required to find according to the location on time. Normally, farmers strive hard to find transporting vehicles for their crops at peak times.

Vehicle owners could upload their details along with their vehicle details to be found by the farmers whenever required. After the delivery at the destination, they also can upload their return slot availability to find more goods to deliver. You can also find the nearby vehicle to book and the return slot for the owner can save fuel and earn more money.

For example, if you have a got a booking to deliver goods from “DELHI to BANGLORE”, after the delivery, then can update the status to find a return booking without coming empty vehicle. By this, the vehicle owners and the farmers (users) save time and money by reducing stress to find vehicles in time to deliver their farm goods which ultimately helps save oil and save the environment.